The vision of the Bowen University Teaching Hospital is to be a Teaching Hospital of Excellence with Global Impact


As a witness to the love of God, revealed through Jesus Christ, Baptist Medical Ministry is committed to enhancing the health, dignity and wholeness those we serve by the provision of compassionate and effective health care services through innovation and performance, education and research.
Which are as follows:

  • To ensure holistic medical care through quality services
  • To provide the platform for training and research that will guarantee progressive development of health personnel in Africa.
  • To provide an environment that ensures Christ like love. character and empathy
  • To provide qualitative, functional, morally sound education in the most cost-effective manner, to all people irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity or religion.
  • To provide qualitative, functional, morally sound education in the most cost-effective manner, to all people irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity or religion.


  • To provide a sound and truly professional basis for the training of medical doctors who can work anywhere in Nigeria and are acceptable by the international community.
  • To provide an in-depth knowledge base of medicine and clinical skills and aptitude to enable the products engage in intellectual inquiry for solving societal problems in health and health related fields.
  • To produce Christian medical doctors who will successfully integrate their faith with the medical practice and promote Christian ethics in their profession.


  • To produce internationally recognizable doctors, who can practice anywhere in the world and are capable of further training in different specialties of the profession
  • To provide a body of integrated instructions and knowledge to enable students understand:
    • the scientific principles and knowledge of the basis of clinical practice;
    • the normal structure, development and functioning of the human body and mind and its application to disease states; and
    • responses of the body to the social, biological and physical environment, clinical management, control and preventive strategies and health promotion.
  • To develop in students cognitive and psychomotor skills through an integrated and comprehensive training and apprenticeship in clinical and laboratory medicine so as to enable them to:
    • undertake a comprehensive and critical evaluation of the clinical history and presenting complaints of patients;
    • formulate effective standard treatment modalities within the setting of primary and secondary health care levels and
    • anticipate and recognize the need for emergency care and referral of patients.
  • To develop in students the capability to engage in health care activities aimed at health promotion, disease prevention, early detection and disease control and treatment in the rural community.
  • To develop in students, responsible attitudes/behaviour in the practice of medicine.


  • Family Medicine Residency
  • Nursing education
  • Internship Programmes for fresh medical graduates, Pharmacists and Laboratory Scientists
  • Training in Clinical Pastoral Education


  • Nutritional Rehabilitation
  • Community Health Care
  • Dental Services
  • Tuberculosis control
  • Leprosy Control
  • Motherless babies care
  • Prosthesis-orthotic services
  • Physiotherapy services
  • House Officers Training
  • Medical Laboratory Science Internship programme
  • Intensive Care Unit